How to apply OpManager PPM Update and Patches

How to apply OpManager PPM Update and Patches


Table of Contents

Overview.. 2

Prep and file transfer. 2

Release Notes. 2

UpDate Manager for PPM... 2

Central Server upgrade. 4

Discover Properties. 5

Edit list of Traps for auto-discovery. 7

Hardware Info in inventory. 7

To Enable Offline MAPS. 8

Restart Server. 9

Restart Probe Server. 9

Apply COM.ZIP file. 10

Copy the logs file. 11

ZIP logs for ME. 11

Logs for debugging. 12

Compress the tar and file directory. 12

 Moving/Removing Files. 13



These instructions are not concise so be aware that there may be errors in the instructions or missing commands




These instructions are used to apply a PPM Update which is a standard process for upgrading application in Linux OS


The patches that Manage Engine use are likely to be specific to the OpManager application and might not be valid for any other applications.

Manage Engine have a website to upload log file should this be required.

Prep and file transfer

Depending on the access levels and permissions, copy the PPM and files to the /home directory of your user or root.

Using WinSCP works well if TFTP or SCP is not setup on the laptop


Release Notes


UpDate Manager for PPM

Confirm that the change control has been accepted and is ok to go ahead. This process will stop the Probe and Central servers and monitoring will cease.

Backup Servers

Take a backup of the OpManager Central and Probe Director if doing this on the Christchurch Lab

To copy the installation directory as a backup prior to upgrading, use the following commands. Stop the services first.

            cd ./opt/ManageEngine

sudo cp -r OpManagerProbe/ 20190507_OpManagerProbeBackup


mv /home/ /opt/ManageEngine/OpManagerProbe/lib/fix

 Start the Probe services once the backup is done to allow Auto-Upgrades to work.

Delete /com and any subdirectories if these exist.

 rm -Rf com


NOTE: Once updated to 123194, there is a fix for Auto upgrade. The new process is to stop the OpManager Service on all Probes and the Central Server, then apply Service pack on Central.

Once Central is upgraded, start all Probes, so that upgrades will be automatically pushed to Probes


Do not restart Probe Servers until the Central Server is started and back online upgraded 
Central Server upgrade
The Central server may ask you if you want to backup the current server, select Yes to proceed with the update.
Log in as root or change to ‘sudo su’. 
Stop the Opmanager services and kill postgres processes if Postgres does not stop after a minute or two
sudo su
/etc/init.d/OpManagerServer stop
Check that postgres processes have stopped and wait for them to do so.
ps -ef |grep post
To Kill postgres processes if they don’t stop
killall postgres
To run update manager change to the OpManager directory for Central
cd /opt/ManageEngine/OpManagerCentral/bin
The upgrade manager is in the Bin directory;
Run Upgrade App:
./ -c
If there is a message "Permission Denied" when attempting to upgrade while in the /bin folder change them.
          chmod +x

You should see the following prompt on the Probe
Press      i to  Install
                u to  Uninstall
                v to  View installed ServicePack versions
                e to  Exit
Choose an Option:i
Type the directory path when asked, paste does not work;
Enter the patch file to install:/home/AdventNet_ManageEngine_OpManager_12_0_SP-4_x_x_x.ppm
Service Pack installed successfully
Do you want to continue?
Agree with a "y" to continue
Yes(y) No(n)y
The service pack may only take a second to apply so do be surprised if it is complete before you realise
Press     i to  Install
                v to  View installed ServicePack versions
                e to  Exit
Exit the application using the "e"
Choose an Option:e
[root@Server2 bin]#
Restart Central Server
Start the Central Server before the Probes are started. while in /opt/ManageEngine/OpManagerCentral/bin
/etc/init.d/OpManagerServer start
The wrapper.log can be viewed to see the progress
Do a:
tail -f ../logs/wrapper.log
INFO   | jvm 1    | 2018/03/22 09:10:21 | MafService                               [ STARTED ]
INFO   | jvm 1    | 2018/03/22 09:10:22 | StatusPropagationService  [ STARTED ]
INFO   | jvm 1    | 2018/03/22 09:10:22 | DiscoveryService                    [ STARTED ]
INFO   | jvm 1    | 2018/03/22 09:10:22 | NCMSSHDService                  [ STARTED ]
INFO   | jvm 1    | 2018/03/22 09:10:22 | ServerStartupNotify             [ STARTED ]
INFO   | jvm 1    | 2018/03/22 09:10:23 | SysLogMonitoringService   [ STARTED ]
INFO   | jvm 1    | 2018/03/22 09:10:28 | NetFlowService                      [ STARTED ]
INFO   | jvm 1    | 2018/03/22 09:10:28 | OpUtilsService                        [ STARTED ]
INFO   | jvm 1    | 2018/03/22 09:10:28 | DataManagement                [ STARTED ]
INFO   | jvm 1    | 2018/03/22 09:10:28 | LeaService                                [ STARTED ]
INFO   | jvm 1    | 2018/03/22 09:10:34 | DService                                    [ STARTED ]
INFO   | jvm 1    | 2018/03/22 09:10:34 | FWASSHDService                   [ STARTED ]
INFO   | jvm 1    | 2018/03/22 09:10:51 | WebService                              [ STARTED ]
INFO   | jvm 1    | 2018/03/22 09:10:51 | 
INFO   | jvm 1    | 2018/03/22 09:10:51 | Server started in :: [64708 ms]
INFO   | jvm 1    | 2018/03/22 09:10:51 | 
INFO   | jvm 1    | 2018/03/22 09:10:51 | Connect to: [ https://localhost/ ]
After it shows the web server running above it has completed

Update Probe

The probe should automatically update, but if it does not the process can be completed by navigating to the /bin directory on the Probe and starting the
With the service stopped on probes navigate to the /bin directory and extexcute the UpDate manager
..bin/ -c
Start the Probe Server
/etc/init.d/OpManagerServer start
The wrapper.log can be viewed to see the progress
tail -f ../logs/wrapper.log

Update files

Some PPM require special configurations to suit new features. If ut does then they can be recorded here for users to confirm settings with any new releases.

LLDP Configuration file

LLDP support for MiMOMax devices in OpManager version 123263. Please download this PPM and upgrade your OpManager setup.
Please make sure the below configurations are done in the setup if not then please do the configurations and trigger the Layer2 discovery.
  • Stop the OpManager service

  • Edit the (<<OpManager-Home>>\conf\OpManger) file and add the below lines 

    • layer2DeviceTypesToIgnore=MIMOMAX-RRU-T,MIMOMAX-BRU-T


  • Edit the serverparameters.conf (<<OpManager-Home>>\confOpManger) and add the below entry

    • isMiMOMaxBuild true

  • Edit the (<<OpManager-Home>>\conf\OpManger) and add the below entry


  • Start the OpManager service

If any issue occurs then please send us the logs directory for analysis. 

GPS Co-ordinates edited in coordinates.xml

We use SNMP to fetch the GPS location. The OIDs for the device types are mentioned in coordinates.xml file located under <<product-home>>\conf\OpManager.


<Coordinates deviceTypeName="MIMOMAX-BRU-T">




    <Coordinates deviceTypeName="MIMOMAX-RRU-T">




    <Coordinates deviceTypeName="NDLT">




    <Coordinates deviceTypeName="MIMOMAX-RRU-P">




    <Coordinates deviceTypeName="MIMOMAX-BRU-P">





Kindly check if the mentioned product and its OID is listed here

Check and Discover Properties

Once after applying the PPM follow the below steps: 

  • Confirm the and add the below entries
  • Confirm the threads.conf file and update the entry
    • Trap_Discovery 2
  • Then restart the OpManager service

If you face any issues then please enable the debug prints and reproduce the issue and send us the logs for analysis. 

Go to cd /opt/ManageEngine/OpManagerProbe/conf/OpManager

cd /opt/ManageEngine/OpManagerProbe/conf/OpManager$

#$Id$ Ping properties for status poll. These properties are not applicable for native ping except retries.
#All values should be integral.

################################ Common properties #####################################

#Number of ICMP ECHO requests to be sent for each and every test.

#Number of data bytes to be sent. Default packet size is 32 in windows and 56 in linux.
#Timeout in seconds for each reply.
#Retries count

################################ Windows properties #####################################
#Windows Status poll matcher String.
ReplyFrom=Reply from
#Windows ResponseTime String.  Ex: Minimum or Maximum or Average.

#Windows Packet Loss matcher String.
################################ Unix properties #####################################

#Linux Status poll matcher String.
Unix_Matcher=64 bytes from
#Linux Packet Loss matcher String.
#Linux ResponseTime matcher String

Run the command “nano” and change configuration as required.

  GNU nano 2.2.6                      File:                                                   


#When ping is true, discovery is performed using ICMP when set as false discovery is performed using nmap.



#This timeout value is in seconds. This is timeout value for discovery. If discovery performs more than specified t$



#The below is to specify the nmap options or parameters which are required for discovery. Any options like -R or --$



#The below is to specify required options to find the os of the devices. By default it is executed as 'nmap --host_$

NMAPTYPEPARAMS=--host_timeout 15000 -sS


#Snmp time out value in seconds.



#Enable/Disable the dns lookup during discovery, set TRUE/FALSE.



#The below is to specify the bulk monitors addition timeout in seconds, default timeout is 300 sec.



#Option to set the snmp displayname as unique in discovery by using the MATCH_DISPLAYNAME property



#The below is to specify required options to find the  services (specified in nmap-services file) running in the de$


#Whether the Display Name of Interface should be updated if any changes are there.







#Enable multiple EngineID requests



nano threads.conf

  GNU nano 2.2.6                         File: threads.conf                                                        



# This configuration file is to be able to control the number of threads

# in WebNMS via the various schedulers . The syntax of the file is

# SchedulerName  number of Threads.

# By default WebNMS has 6 schedulers . one main one for general tasks.

# one for status polls, one for data polls, one for discovery module, one for

# configuration module and one for Management Server module.

# They are identified by the names  "main" , "statuspoll" , "datapoll", "discovery"

# "config" and "MS" respectively.

# Depending on the requirements you can increase the number of threads for a

# particular task.


main  6

statuspoll 1

datapoll 12

discovery 10

deepdisc 10

config 3

MS 1

Net_Disc 4

provisioning 4

DataCollection 10




ProcessMonitoring_EXEC 6

HardwareMonitoring_EXEC 4


HardwareMonitoringDisc_EXEC 2

CoordinatesLocation 4


#Unlimited Edition Configurations






Storage_Poll 12

Storage_StatusPoll 5

Trap_Discovery 2

Edit list of Traps for auto-discovery


As part of the patch there is a conf file that need to have the list of comma separated traps we send. The services will need to be stopped before applying or restarted afterwards


Got to the following directory and open the configuration file in an editor


cd /opt/ManageEngine/OpManagerProbe/conf/OpManager

nano serverparameters.conf


Look for the following MMX Build items


#Autodiscovery of devices through GPS coordinates

discoverDeviceThroughTrap true


#Determines if the device is managed or unmanaged after autodiscovery

trapDiscManagedState true


#MiMOMax Build Changes

isMiMOMaxBuild true

isOfflineMapEnabled true



Add the following OID’s to get OpManager to trigger auto-discovery on these specific traps

mimomaxTrapDiscoveryOIDs .,.,.,.,.


Restart OpManger services

/etc/init.d/OpManagerServer restart


Hardware Info in inventory

To discover the data from a radio we need to add Software and Serial numbers, the following lines into the xml. This can be used for any device, we simply add the corresponding OID into the software and serial number feilds

Please edit the HardwareInfo.xml file presented under

<<OpManager-Home>>confOpManager and add or update the respective OIDs with instances. 


Restart the OpManager service then rediscover/add the device, the serial number and software version will get populated.


Raamesh Keerthi.N.J


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>


    <Hardware deviceTypeName="MIMOMAX-BRU-T">




    <Hardware deviceTypeName="MIMOMAX-RRU-T">




    <Hardware deviceTypeName="MIMOMAX-RRU-P">




    <Hardware deviceTypeName="MIMOMAX-BRU-P">






To Enable Offline MAPS

Please follow the below steps to enable Offline Map & MiMOMax features:

  • Stop the OpManager service
  • Add the below entries in serverparameters.conf (<<OpManager-Home>>/conf/OpManager) file to enable MiMOMax and Offline feature in our product. 

isMiMOMaxBuild true

isOfflineMapEnabled true


  • Save the attached file maps.js under /apiclient/fluidicv2/javascript/zmap/ and save the maps.css file under /apiclient/fluidicv2/styles/css directory.
  • Please check the OIDs and Device Types in coordinates.xml located in <<OpManager-Home>>/conf/OpManager
  • Start the OpManager service
  • Clear the browser cache

Note: offlineMapURL please provide your dedicated offline map server IP



Restart Server


/etc/init.d/OpManagerServer start


Do a:

tail -f ../logs/wrapper.log




INFO   | jvm 1    | 2018/03/22 09:10:21 | MafService                               [ STARTED ]

INFO   | jvm 1    | 2018/03/22 09:10:22 | StatusPropagationService  [ STARTED ]

INFO   | jvm 1    | 2018/03/22 09:10:22 | DiscoveryService                    [ STARTED ]

INFO   | jvm 1    | 2018/03/22 09:10:22 | NCMSSHDService                  [ STARTED ]

INFO   | jvm 1    | 2018/03/22 09:10:22 | ServerStartupNotify             [ STARTED ]

INFO   | jvm 1    | 2018/03/22 09:10:23 | SysLogMonitoringService   [ STARTED ]

INFO   | jvm 1    | 2018/03/22 09:10:28 | NetFlowService                      [ STARTED ]

INFO   | jvm 1    | 2018/03/22 09:10:28 | OpUtilsService                        [ STARTED ]

INFO   | jvm 1    | 2018/03/22 09:10:28 | DataManagement                [ STARTED ]

INFO   | jvm 1    | 2018/03/22 09:10:28 | LeaService                                [ STARTED ]

INFO   | jvm 1    | 2018/03/22 09:10:34 | DService                                    [ STARTED ]

INFO   | jvm 1    | 2018/03/22 09:10:34 | FWASSHDService                   [ STARTED ]

INFO   | jvm 1    | 2018/03/22 09:10:51 | WebService                              [ STARTED ]

INFO   | jvm 1    | 2018/03/22 09:10:51 |

INFO   | jvm 1    | 2018/03/22 09:10:51 | Server started in :: [64708 ms]

INFO   | jvm 1    | 2018/03/22 09:10:51 |

INFO   | jvm 1    | 2018/03/22 09:10:51 | Connect to: [ https://localhost:443 ]


After it shows the web server running above it has completed


Restart Probe Server



root@pobfanprobe1:/opt/ManageEngine/OpManagerProbe/bin# tail -f ../logs/wrapper.log

INFO   | jvm 1    | 2018/03/22 09:13:13 | DiscoveryService                    [ STARTED ]

INFO   | jvm 1    | 2018/03/22 09:13:13 | ServerStartupNotify             [ STARTED ]

INFO   | jvm 1    | 2018/03/22 09:13:14 | SysLogMonitoringService   [ STARTED ]

INFO   | jvm 1    | 2018/03/22 09:13:14 | NCMSSHDService                  [ STARTED ]

INFO   | jvm 1    | 2018/03/22 09:13:16 | NetFlowService                      [ STARTED ]

INFO   | jvm 1    | 2018/03/22 09:13:16 | OpUtilsService                        [ STARTED ]

INFO   | jvm 1    | 2018/03/22 09:13:19 | DService                                    [ STARTED ]

INFO   | jvm 1    | 2018/03/22 09:13:19 | DataManagement                [ STARTED ]

INFO   | jvm 1    | 2018/03/22 09:13:19 | LeaService                                [ STARTED ]

INFO   | jvm 1    | 2018/03/22 09:13:19 | FWASSHDService                   [ STARTED ]

INFO   | jvm 1    | 2018/03/22 09:13:29 | WebService                              [ STARTED ]

INFO   | jvm 1    | 2018/03/22 09:13:30 |

INFO   | jvm 1    | 2018/03/22 09:13:30 | Server started in :: [53239 ms]

INFO   | jvm 1    | 2018/03/22 09:13:30 |

INFO   | jvm 1    | 2018/03/22 09:13:30 | Connect to: [ https://localhost:443 ]


Apply COM.ZIP file

If there are any patches to apply you can use the following process


Upload the file to the Probe server as this is only required for that device.

Stop the Probe services



Stop the Opmanager services and kill postgres processes


sudo su

/etc/init.d/OpManagerServer stop


Check that postgres processes have stopped and wait for them to do so.

ps -ef |grep post


Kill the processes if they don’t stop

killall postgres


Move the file to the installation directory

If there is an old copy in the fix directory it will need to be removed. Confirm deletion.


rm /opt/ManageEngine/OpManagerProbe/lib/fix/

rm: remove regular file `'? y


To move to the installation directory use the following commands.



mv /home/ /opt/ManageEngine/OpManagerProbe/lib/fix



Delete /com and any subdirectories if these exist.


rm -Rf com


UnZip the file from /opt/ManageEngine/OpManagerProbe/lib/fix so that the subdirectories are placed in the correct locations.




Copy the logs file

Manage Engine often ask for the logs to be refreshed or backed up as part of diagnostics. This can be done while the server is stopped and then moving the old logs directory. OpManager will create a new folder when the application starts


Stop the Opmanager services and kill postgres processes


sudo su

/etc/init.d/OpManagerServer stop


Check that postgres processes have stopped and wait for them to do so.

ps -ef |grep post


Kill the processes if they don’t stop

killall postgres


To move to the installation directory use the following commands.


cd /opt/ManageEngine/OpManagerProbe/


Navigate to the Probe directory



mv /opt/ManageEngine/OpManagerProbe/

ZIP logs for ME

If the logs need to be compressed and sent to Manage Engine for analysis, then use the WinSCP to transfer and the next command to zip the logs

Stopping the OpManager service is preferred, but not essential

Stop the Opmanager

sudo su

/etc/init.d/OpManagerServer stop

Check that postgres processes have stopped and wait for them to do so.

ps -ef |grep post


Kill the processes if they don’t stop

killall postgres

cd /opt/ManageEngine/OpManagerProbe/

Zip utility to compress files

SRP Linux servers don't have ZIP installed for compressing loga

zip -r DIRECTORY/*
zip -r logs/*


Compress the tar and file directory

sudo tar -cvf FILENAME.tar /opt/ManageEngine/OpManagerProbe/logs/*
sudo gzip FILENAME.tar
If you do ls on the directory there should not be a file with an extention of .tar.gz. The sample above the file would be FILENAME.tar.gz

Restart the server

/etc/init.d/OpManagerServer restart

Logs for debugging

These can be viewed in the web browser


or login into the Linux box and view the files under


Manage Engine have a website to upload log file should this be required.

Moving/Removing Files

Example of removing the personality-configuration.xml file and replacing it with a new personality-configuration.xml file:

Navigate to the directory where the file to be removed currently lives:

cd /opt/ManageEngine/OpManager/conf/ncm

Remove the desired file, example: 

rm personality-configuration.xml

Navigate to the directory where the replacement file has been uploaded to. Note, an SCP server, such as WinSCP, can be utilized to transfer the file from your local machine to OpManager:

cd /home/osboxes

Move the file to the desired location:

mv personality-configuration.xml /opt/ManageEngine/OpManager/conf/ncm

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